
Showing posts from July, 2017

Seven Stones To Stand or Fall is a Fun Treat

A new collection of Diana Gabaldon’s “Seven Stones to Stand or Fall” was released on 27 June in the USA and on 29 June in U.K. As the name suggests it is a collection of seven novellas which include the short but interesting stories. Download Seven Stones to Stand or Fall ebook Free , these seven novels are named as The Custom of the Army The Space Between, A Plague of Zombies A Leaf On The Wind of All Hallows Virgins A Fugitive Green Besieged It is longer than short stories but small as compared to normal novellas. As according to general rules the length of short stories varies between less than 18,000 words, between 18,000 to 60,000 words are novellas and greater than 60,000 worlds are novels.